Week 4
Assignment, Part 2: Professional Development Planning
the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology
improvements, develop professional development activities that include the
analysis and lessons learned about the technology needs from the Week 3 report;
professional development designed to improve the gathering, analysis and use of
data from a variety of sources;
professional development to improve decision making in the integration of
technology with instructional and organizational leadership.
Analysis of the STaR Chart and the Campus
Data Needs Assessment
Librarian (Campus Technology Specialist),
Principal, Assistant Principal
Computer Labs, online access,
Printout of Campus STaR chart, individual
Teacher STaR chart, Long Range Plan for Technology (LRPT), CIP, AEIS
March, 2012 ongoing.
Data analysis will be continuous.
Teacher will be able to interpret their
technology needs according to the STaR chart, and evaluate what training is
needed to achieve the goals of the LRPT.
Teacher will interpret and analyze data to make informed decisions to
improve student performance.
Teacher will fill out a technology survey
to determine their level of technology usage and receive training from the
basics on how to operate hardware to advanced technology applications
depending on their individual level of capability.
Librarian (Campus Technology Specialist),
Computer Technician,
Technology Teacher.
Survey created by the Technology Dept.,
three computer labs. Online access, Software ranging from: Gradebook for
beginners to Web 2.0 Tools for advanced.
May, 2012- ongoing.
Teachers will be able to use technology
with ease, improve and increase technology usage in their classroom and
integrate technology into their lesson plans.
Administrators, Teachers and Counselors
will receive training on how to create and use Blogs as a means to enhance
their use of technology and to become a learning community.
Librarian (Campus Technology Specialist),
Computer Technician,
Technology Teacher.
Three computer labs, online access, Web
2.0 Tools,
Handouts with instructions on how to
create a blog.
May, 2012 - ongoing
Teachers will use blogs to share lessons,
solve problems, communicate, post news.
Teachers will review Copyright
Guidelines, and receive instruction on how to teach cyber ethics and online
safety to students.
Librarian (Campus Technology Specialist),
Principal, Assistant Principal
Library, PowerPoint presentation,
Handout of Copyright primer for
August 2012
Teachers will be prepared to instruct
students in the correct use of citations, copyright legalities, ethical
online behavior and safety.
Teachers will receive initial/ongoing
training in the use of Eduphoria to analyze student data, and to create
Dept. Heads,
Librarian (Campus Technology Specialist)
Computer Labs, online access
August, 2012 ongoing as needed
Teachers will be able to track students
progress, identify areas of strength and weakness
Works Cited
LA Feria ISD. La
Feria ISD Technology Plan, 2009- 2012. La Feria, TX: La Feria Independent
School District.
School, W. G. W.B.
Green Jr. High School Campus Improvement Plan, 2010-2011. La Feria, TX.: La
Feria Independent School District.
Texas Education Agency.
(2006, November). Long-Range PLan for Technology 2006-2020. Retrieved Janurary 22, 2012, from www.tea.state.tx.us:
http://www.tea.state.tx.us/technology/ lrpt/lrpt_lrpt.html
Week 4 Assignment, Part 3:
Evaluation Planning for Action Plan
The technology action plan integrating
instructional an organizational leadership must include evaluation components
that provide measurable outcomes designed to address the following:
data and other analysis from the Week 3 report, including using the campus and
district improvement plans, and local or state technology plans;
assessments and/or monitoring reports measuring professional development
designed to use technology to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data
from a variety of sources;
assessments and/or monitoring evaluating professional development to improve
decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and
organizational leadership.
Teachers will use AEIS, CIP, and STaR
chart data to improve and focus their instruction on identified areas of
Teachers, Dept. Heads, Principal,
Assistant Principal.
Benchmark results,
AYP, AEIS and STaR chart report.
Teachers will create Lesson Plans which
include the use of technology
Principal, Assistant Principal.
Administration will conduct walk-throughs
to observe how technology is being used in the classroom, PDAS.
Establish a campus learning community
using blogging.
Teachers, Dept. Heads, Counselor,
Assistant Principal, Principal.
Principal and Assistant Principal monitor
blog postings at regular intervals and respond to blogs.
Teachers educate students about cyber
ethics, online safety and online copyright guidelines.
Teachers, Librarian (Campus Technology
Teachers and Librarian will monitor
students computer usage, and evaluate computer generated reports and research
created by students.
Teachers will receive training in the use
of Eduphoria.
Dept. Heads,
Teachers will create reports,
disaggregate student data, analyze areas of strength and weakness and discuss
student achievement during department meetings, and use data to improve
Works Cited
LA Feria ISD. La
Feria ISD Technology Plan, 2009- 2012. La Feria, TX: La Feria Independent
School District.
School, W. G. W.B.
Green Jr. High School Campus Improvement Plan, 2010-2011. La Feria, TX.: La
Feria Independent School
Texas Education Agency.
(2006, November). Long-Range PLan for Technology 2006-2020. Retrieved Janurary 22, 2012, from www.tea.state.tx.us:
http://www.tea.state.tx.us/technology/ lrpt/lrpt_lrpt.html
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